Saturday, March 5, 2011

First days of school (in Paraguay)

I observed my first class in Paraguay and taught my first mini get to know-you game.  While the teacher taught, the class of third graders copied the rules and details about themselves from the board for the whole 4 hour class period. There was no real classroom management and those kids that didn’t want to do anything, didn’t.   The one saving grace in the class is the teacher, she is very motivated and clearly wants the best for her students. Unfortunately, she was taught in a way that is non-participatory and  no one has taught her to teach differently in college, so, she teaches in a way that doesn’t work.  I actually did a diagnostic test to see what level the students were reading at. Half of my kids are reading on or above grade level, the rest don't know their letters.  
On the other hand, I visited a Escuela Especial (special needs school).  The students are divided by developmental ability and their classes are much more participatory. PS. They have a Special Olympics team at the school!!!!
Other than what I am up to day to day,  I should tell you that I am happy and really enjoying my day to day life. I can hardly believe that I have been here  for over a month. The days are flying by.

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