Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bin Laden and furry fish sticks

I’m sure your wondering what on earth furry fish sticks and Bin Laden have to do with one another.  The answer is that they have both been part of my week.  In the United States, I’m sure, everyone has heard that Osama Bin Laden died. The news got to me about a week ago. Trying to make conversation with my host dad, I mentioned it at lunch.... here is the exact transcription of what happened:
Jose-host dad
Jose Luis-host brother
Selva-host mom
Sam (sitting at table with Jose): So, today at school, Professor Gustavo told me that Osama Bin Laden was killed
Selva (in the kitchen): who is Osama Bin Laden?
Jose Luis (listening from the bedroom): He was a good man
Sam & Jose burst out laughing
Now for the furry fish sticks story....yesterday, I told Selva that I would help her make lunch. So she pulls out something that looked like a carpet from the refrigerator. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of asking what it was, “cow stomach (mundungo).”  As we were cleaning the stomach, Selva reaches over and pulls something out of the piece of stomach I was cleaning. She said it was undigested food. After we cleaned and cooked the stomach, it was time to eat. The cow stomach had the exact flavor and texture of furry microwave fish sticks.  And, I raved about how good it was because I didn’t want to be rude. 

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