The secret to good guacamole is....Opps can’t tell you, it’s a secret:) But in reality, how much do any of you really care about how to create a perfect bowl of Guacamole.
The reason I really started writing this is that I found out that I will be spending the next two years in barrio Calle 1-80 in Blas A Garay in Caaguazu. I don’t know much about it but I am going to visit it this weekend (so check facebook fo photos on Thursday). What I do know is that it is 4km off the ruta and there is no direct transportaion to get there, there is 120 families (about 700 people), and it’s a very poor/needy community. However, I also know that my community has a strong sense of community, they are very organized, my community contact is very guapa and I’m the first volunteer they have ever had.
I’ll tell you more next Thursday, wish me luck!